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Dreams of evictions, refugees and homeless people--or of being one.

RELATED TOPICS: war - orphans and runaways - discrimination and bias - outcasts and pariahs - community and belonging - individualism vs conformity - madness - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

ANTELOPE GIRLS: by Wayan; 2015/1/2, a dating-advice dream for the traumatized
All the runaways & homeless girls in town start calling themselves antelopes. I bring home
an antelope date. But my mom, who looks like my Reaganite grandma, sees a literal antelope...
BATTERED, WITH SYRUP: by Wayan; 1998/11/6 & 11/21, two healing dreams.
I'm a battered girl who sings in a mall. The Dictator (of all people) helps me start healing and learn to fly...
THE BIG CRUNCH: by Wayan; 1979/5/9, a cosmic nightmare.
I'm being stalked. I take drastic measures. Like pulling the universe down! And is THAT enough?
BIKE FROM A BOMB: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a bikemare.
Idiotically, I bet I can escape an atomic bomb on my bike. Maybe if I ignore stoplights...
BLOOD RUNAWAY: by Wayan; 1994/8/8, a non-nightmare.
Some men get squeamish about menstrual blood, but this girl's plight was extreme...
CYCLOPS, or, THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYER: by Wayan; 1993/8/24, a spiritual nightmare.
In the far future, I relive Odysseus' tale. To save my life I must give up realistic hope, and focus on...
DURING DREAM-DROUGHT: by Wayan; 1997/5/7, a journal exerpt.
Sitting in an eviction-lawyer's waiting room, of all places, I discover my next artistic direction...
FRIEND-RING: by Wayan; 2017/1/6, a dream of divine intervention--My Little Pony style
I'm a horse chosen by the gods to join a Friend-Ring--a group mind. That's great for
the street crazies I get to help heal. Not so great for me, injected with madness...
GALLERY GAWKERS: by Wayan; 2003-5; sketches of San Francisco characters
For two years, I sat at the desk in our co-op gallery, and
secretly sketched our bewildered, art-assaulted customers...
GARDEN OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1995/10/6, a dream of slowth.
In the Garden of the Gods, I sit through sun and rain. For gods aren't the gardeners, they're the crop...
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic.
I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer...
GOSPEL GIRL: by Wayan; 1986/11/17, a stubborn dream.
I'm a girl in a desert who God tells to preach a new gospel. But the locals, unlike ancient Rome, have guns...
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream.
In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear...
HAMM: by Wayan; 2008/9/26, a dream poem; Dreamverse #31
A lecturer tries to help the homeless founder of Hamm's Beer, robbed by bankers. But the talk may harm more than help...
HELPLESSLY LUCID: by Alder; 2007/6/23, a lucid dream in which I’m powerless!
I’m a homeless elf. We’re a persecuted minority group. I know I’m dreaming and try to change it but...
HITLER'S ROOST: by Wayan; 1983/2/14, a fierce dream-poem hinting at a dirty secret later bared
I built a Bavarian treehouse with a great view, hoping Hitler'd confiscate it.
He did! Now he's exposed to Allied spy planes--and assassination...
HUNTERS' FIRE: by Wayan; 1987/9/8, a nightmare that may be a memory.
I'm an orphan shot at by hunters. They shoot my sister! But no one believes me...
I CAN'T JOIN THE TRIBE: by Wayan; 1997/8/12, a nightmare on madness.
After the eco-crash, I try to join a tribe in the jungle that was Oakland. But they reject me, for good reason...
I OVERSLEPT: by Wayan; 1992/6/12, a dream of loss.
I oversleep. A lot. All my friends are dead, along with my century...
I WAS A SEX SLAVE: by Wayan; 1994/11/20, a dream on isolation
I'm a slave dancer. I run for it, and make it over the border. But my owner comes looking for me...
JOVE'S LIMBO: by Wayan; 1994/11/27, a dream of astral muckraking.
Half elvish, rejected, I wander the worlds, and find a limbo built by Zeus--but do the inmates deserve it?
KIDS' WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/2, a dream on solitude.
The children of some castaways refuse to go 'home': to them, this shore IS home. So what won't I leave?
KISS OF A SAVAGE: by Wayan; 1993/10/28, a dream of deep time.
I wake to find I'm a museum exhibit 15,000 years from now--a primitive man...
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning.
I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to...
THE LESSON: by W.H. Auden; 1942, a poem on three linked nightmares
I'm told "Your lives are not in order." The golden crown's too heavy. And
I win my lover's hand--only the hand. What are my dreams accusing me of?
MICMAC TOWERS: by Wayan; 2010/6/12, a quietly predictive surreal dream
I dream squatters build surreal towers in a city of junk. I wake, go to a movie, and see...
MIGRATION THROUGH FIRE: by Wayan; 1999/9/3, a dream of what matters.
I'm a shaggy primitive whose tribe's outgrown our caves. We migrate, and meet two new species of people...
THE MONEYBIRD: by Wayan, 2005/3/18, a dream-poem on renunciation. Stupid renunciation.
Inspired by a bird who weaves her nest of dollar bills, I become a sort of monk,
sweeping, renouncing wealth--but my monastery's a Silicon Valley BART station...
MY ART'S IN THE MUSEUM, ALL RIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/19, a dream on self-theft.
At last, I get shown in the museum! Sort of. Homeless people sell my art from carts in the lobby. Stolen!...
NOT A CAT: by Wayan; 2022/11/27, a dream of being a sort-of-ghost
I wander New York City, a homeless ageless child, unnoticed--unless I climb stairs. Then people panic--see a huge cat!
But today I meet a crew lugging big paintings, who seem blind to cat or child. I think they're art thieves, mid-heist...
THE NOTE: by Wayan; 1976/12/31, a psychic nightmare.
On New Year's Eve, I dream my college no longer welcomes me.
New Year's Day, I wake to find it's true...
OR... IS IT YOU?: by Wayan; 1990/2/11 nondream digital painting on marginality.
When I was battered, I briefly lived on the streets. What struck me was how fragile most of us were...
ORBITING THE CRYSTAL PALACE: by Wayan; 1998/1/12, a dream of making a home.
A wild flying dream lands me among feral children fighting to live in a glass conservatory of lost flowers...
OWL AND CHEESE: by Wayan; 1986/7/8, a dreamtale of a Shadow?
An alien woman makes a mess of our economy, ecology, world--but insists she wants to be my friend...
THE PARABLE OF THE CAVE: by Wayan; 1993/9/18, an antisocial dream.
Plato never did say what shed the light that cast those shadows on his cave wall. I find out.
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto.
A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war,
thawing Pluto. What will the ice-tribes wish for?
POTLATCH SMOKE: by Wayan; 1988/5/10, a shamanic dream-inside-dream 4 levels deep!
Refugees flood the spirit worlds! War looms. Wolf, Silky, Dr Who, even the Bug-Goddess of Love are alarmed.
I'm just a blonde ditz, but I help inspect realities till we trace the source: a Tlingit potlatch! Why?
THE POWER OF ART: by Wayan; 2016/8/29, a dream-poem about the longtern effect of dreamwork?
At a museum, a weird art project shows me how observing and documenting life
in art can improve that life--just from being taken seriously...
PRINCESS LILY: by Dou Xun, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679: recurring psychic dreams, or fiction?
Dou dreams he marries Lily; when a monstrous snake attacks her huge family, he reluctantly hosts
them all... when he wakes, they turn out to be bees driven from their hive by a (very real) snake...
A RENAISSANCE WOMAN: by Wayan; 1997/7/3, a dreamtale.
I'm an abused girl turning tricks to survive. But this is San Francisco: I join a prostitutes' co-op, and meet...
RESCUE FEVER: by Wayan; 1994/2/3, a dreamtale on rescue fantasies.
A refugee girl crawls into my bed. We become lovers. I protect her. But over time... am I holding her back?
THE SELL-FISH WITCHES: by Wayan; 1983/6/29, an epic corrective dream
My sister and I are runaways, developing psychic powers.
A cult of fish-selling witches wants to use us...
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle.
Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell
the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold...
A SHELLFISH EPIPHANY: by Wayan; 1996/6/14, a spiritual dream.
Our family of Japanese pearldivers is cast away on an atoll. One day, lonely, scared, I cast away fear...
SPORECOUNT: by Wayan; 1990/1/5, a dreamtale on patience through change.
I'm a hot archeology student till I open the wrong tomb. A plague
turns us into green moldy monsters--at first...
SWAN: by Wayan; 1995/4/8, a transformation dream; 3-page dreamcomic (or as ill. text)
I wake amnesic in a cabin in Alaska, in a dress printed with self-putdowns.
I track down the wizard who cursed me. He turns me into a swan! Worse?
No! His first curse was on a human being, and now I'm a bird. My mind is free!...
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor.
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me...
THEY DON'T BELIEVE ME: by Wayan; 1989/10/4, an unbelievable dream with 15 illus.
My dog and I are abducted by aliens who turn us into cats. We escape & go feral to survive.
How we got back, and what happened along the way, even my own shrink refuses to believe...
TOO MUCH TO BEAR: by Wayan; 1997/4/28, an alt-world 10p. dream comic or text w/pics
I dreamed that huge nouveau-riche polar bears invaded San Francisco, evicting us locals...
THE TOOTH: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal), 2003?, an epic, oracular, baffling dream
Psychics give me an incomprehensible reading. A book from the tree-library gives only Victorian dating advice.
At last a madman gives me a treasure-box holding a tooth that unfolds into slices carved in unreadable symbols...
TRUSTING FOXES: by Wayan; 1997/8/20, 2-page comic of a psychic dream.
Evicted. Lawsuit. I dream a lawyer sends me a letter full of fox-girls! In East Asia, foxes
mean trouble, but these are friendly--good news is coming! I wake to find we've won a home...
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream
I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them,
brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats!

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