Loud noise and resulting problems, including but NOT restricted to deafness.
RELATED TOPICS: explosions - music - instruments - cars - planes - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AFTERIMAGE: by Wayan; 1983/8/8, a dream on dreams. A bizarre little dream proving just how physical the impact of a dream is on the body... |
ARSON MUSIC: by Wayan; 2000/10/4, a parallel-world dream on ethics Driving through California farm hills with subtly different natural laws, I find social consequences. Can physics create evil? |
THE ARTERIA: by Wayan; 1994/5/24, a raw, personal tale of three nightmares. Hypnotherapy provokes nightmares of body-part shops, secret libelers, and madmen in space... |
CAIRO GIRL: by Wayan; 2008/2/18, a feverdream shifting from nightmare to joy I'm lost in the angry streets of Cairo. But I meet a goth-girl with moth-antennae: a jinni who's working for longterm change. She takes me home... CAUTION: MOTH NUDITY |
THE COUNTRY OF THE DEAF: by Wayan; 1982/7/18, dreampoem with stunning Freudian typo I'm forced to come out to my mom. Not that I'm gay; that I'm psychic, and find the roar of the mind-deaf unbearable. But Mom's selectively deaf... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WON'T RELATE |
DEAF TO MY SIGNS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a wise frustration dreamtale. In a darkened room of deaf women watching a slideshow, I find no one can hear me in either English or Sign... |
DINO TREASURE: by Wayan, 1996/9/1, a treasure-hunt dream. At the Psychic Faire, I'm a deer-man in a gang hunting treasure, led by a rough tough dinosaur... |
DIURNAL AND NOCTURNAL WORLDS: by Wayan; 1993/11/8, an epic dream of the multiverse. Round the ring of twelve worlds and their twelve gods, seeking one god who's giving me grief... |
DREAM CAUSED BY THE FLIGHT OF A BEE AROUND A POMEGRANATE A SECOND BEFORE WAKING by Gala Dalí 1943? painted by Salvador Dalí 1944; a supposedly instantaneous dream. Dalí's wife Gala naps, but a bee wakes her--and her dream instantly magnifies bee into tigers! After all, both have fur, sharp bits, black & gold stripes... CAUTION: BREASTS; BAD DREAM THEORIES. |
EDITH KEELER: by Wayan, 1975/10/8, an incubated dream giving multiple answers I asked my dreams to show me my Shadow--what I deny. It showed me at least FIVE! And in every time-branch, a runaway truck crushed me--the Truck of Ideology. Not that I seemed able to avoid it... CAUTION: RECURRING DEATHS |
ENVY'S BAND: by Wayan, 2016/1/10, a dream on ambition rebelling against niceness I meet Envy, that pushy, ambitious rock singer from the Scott Pilgrim books. She's kind of sabotaging herself--but then don't I go too far the other way? |
FACE CROSSING: by Wayan; 1990-91. Nondream but surreal digital painting.. Slightly altered to remove the familiarity, but this is quite real... |
FANFARE FORESEEN: by Wayan; 1983/7/7, a dream anticipating an unlikely event by just half a second He turns on the radio, and a moment later a loud horn section rings out. I wake shocked--for that horn fanfare isn't just in my dream ears... |
FREE WAY? DETENTION FOR YOU!: by Wayan; 1997/2/14, a dream of the wages of fun. Zooming on freeways--carless levitation! But the Principal tries to punish us. And we resist... don't we? |
GOLDIE AND GRIMOIRE: by Wayan, 1987/3/2, a dream foreseeing My Little Pony? I get a crush on two mare-girls--sunny palomino Goldie is cute, but it's dark-silver, lunar Grimoire that really stuns me... CAUTION: EQUINE NUDITY, ESP REFERENCES |
THE HACKER: by Wayan; 1993/11/23, a psychic nightmare. Who's the demon? Mom, the Dragon, the Smiler, the Rubber Ax Murderer, the Doll Princess or the Tiger?... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
HALF SHAMAN, HALF STATESMAN: by Wayan; 1986/4/21, a parallel-world dream: Chapter 6 of UNICORN TAG I get a scholarship to Shaman U. Some of my classmates are Terran, but I still don't fit in, because... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
HERE COMES A CHOPPER: by Wayan; 1983/6/20, an absurd nightmare on families and denial The helicopter over our family home dipped too low. CRASH! Burning rotors in the living room. I call 9-1-1, but the pilot scolds me! "Calling over a little explosion like this!"... |
MOM POPS: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/8/5, a dream of bursting your inner critic The flood sickens my fuchsia bush. My mom says my fuchsia is hopeless, but I make up a treatment. When it works, well... read the title. CAUTION: PUNS, EXPLODING MOM |
MONKEY WITH A GUN: by Wayan; 2010/8/7, a predictive nightmare A monkey who stole a handgun aims at a troopmate and fires, ignorant of the consequences. The next evening I hear gunfire for real, and... |
MOONCAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/14; a subtle dream-comic about sonar. text version Near a mysterious sculpture garden on the moon, lives the blind, bike-riding sage I seek: Moon-Cat... |
THE MURDERS: by four Wayans! 1971/7/14; a family has simultaneous psychic nightmares. Nearly everyone in my family dreams of a mass murder as it happens nearby. But my dad's sure it's his own evil id, and my mom clams up, and my sister forgets. And me? I doubt the whole thing for ten years, until... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE VIOLENCE |
MY LITTLE 'POCALYPSE: by Wayan, 2019/5/10; a predictive dream of a TV show making extinction cute The 'toon actors from My Little Pony gleefully volunteer to die horribly in a TV documentary on the impact in Yucatan that killed off the... dinosaurs? No! Unicorns, griffins, pegasi and dragons! As I draw the dream, I get an email from the maker of a TV documentary on climate catastrophe... |
RADAR BEAR: by Wayan; 1983/6/17, a dream of MASH--and perseverance. Radar O'Reilly's teddy bear is stolen. He builds spy-planes to find it. One morning the camp wakes to find... |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
RETARDED STARS, by Wayan, 2009/2/28; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #42 A horde of demented dwarves invades Market Street, jumping up & down, shaking the skyscrapers... |
ROAR!: by Wayan; 2000/4/3, a nightmare transformed by a bluff Night. A jungle full of prowling lions and leopards. So naturally, I get up on a rock and roar back... |
ROAR OF THE SAILS: by Wayan; 1973/9/6, a magical scavenger-hunt dream goes lucid--absurdly. Our teams search through fountains and pavilions, finding & trading the glowing stones. None of the magic makes me go lucid, but as we sail toward the finish line... |
SLEAZE: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/7/28; subtle shared dreams. Wayan: A sleazy brother calls the cops, blaming us for a fire he set... Cecy: A sleazy brother calls in a fire while not even trying to put it out... |
STOP RESISTING; 2000/1/2 by Anonymous #37; nightmare of injustice I'm sentenced for a crime I didn't commit; then the bailiff beats me for "resisting", though I'm not... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, SWEARING |
STORM OF HUGE RAINDROPS: by Albrecht Dürer; 1525/5/30, watercolor of a size-nightmare The first drop struck about four miles away, with terrific force and thunder, breaking and drowning the land... |
SWAN-SCATTER: by Wayan; 1998/10/9, a dream of flight and guilt. Not easy to fly without a plane, but I practice over a lonely lagoon. Even if I panic some nesting swans. They'll get used to me... |
TAG WITH A BOUNTY HUNTER: by "Caradon"; 2010/3/3, a playful lucid dream A bounty hunter stalks me through a jungle, but lucidity turns a potential nightmare to joy... |
THIRD-PARTY DEFENSE: by Wayan, 2004/9/11, a dream challenging lifelong pacifism DAY: At a party, this stranger keeps sniping at me. I see no gain for me in fighting him, and just leave. DREAM: Aliens attack. They've wiped out other planets, so we fight all-out! Not just for us, for the next species... |
TOADFISH TOWERS: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a psychic little dreamtale. I'm in Houston, gawking at giant starfishy towers looming through the smog. Their shapes are familiar... |
TOO MUCH TO BEAR: by Wayan; 1997/4/28, an alt-world 10p. dream comic or text w/pics I dreamed that huge nouveau-riche polar bears invaded San Francisco, evicting us locals... CAUTION: CORRUPTION, URSACIDE, MATH! |
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one... CAUTION: HORNY TORNADO |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
TURNABOUT: by Henry James; 1870s or 80s; a nightmare reversed by sheer courage. A night-fiend strove to open the door I held shut between us-- until I realized I too was terrible, and opened it to find a great... CAUTION: THE DREADED PROSE OF HENRY JAMES |
TWO BISHOP APPLICANTS: by Wayan; 1984/11/21, a surreal but mercilessly logical dream. My mind and my soul both apply for a job in Stanford Cathedral. Their rivalry grows to a shamanic duel... |
VAMPIGS AND SMILES: by Wayan; 1991/12/9, an advisory dream. Our landlady was a friend, but she broke our rental agreement. Talk, compromise, or rent strike? |
VIDEO WOLVES: by Wayan; 2009/2/23, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics), Dreamverse #41 Robot wolves with videocamera eyes prowl our block, freezing me in their headlight glare. Why do I think one's my ex-girlfriend? |
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream. Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project... CAUTION: TV KILLS (BUT YOU KNEW THAT) |
WHIPPING NIGHTMARES: by Jamie Sawyer; 2014/9/3; non-lucid yet lucidlike dream Attacked on the ground, in the air, even in space, I fight back effectively. Not lucid, yet in my dreams I now have real power... |
WHO'LL BE MY LOVE?: by Wayan; 1986/4/14, a dream noir farce; part 4 of UNICORN TAG. I'm a hardboiled detective wincing as I grill a meek little psychic (probably me) about squish-softboiled topics like unicorns and love... CAUTION: SMUTTY UNICORN MAKES EVEN COPS BLUSH |
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