Tiger Honeymoon
Dreamed 1987/3/16 by Wayan
A clearing in the woods. Cubist crags and pits--
cellars of a mansion burned. Later on, the ruins turned
summer camp, then paintball. Both went bust.
I just bought the corpse; climb curious.But I don't spelunk alone. A couple of tigers roam
through arches, up walls. A lovely parcourse if
you're a cat. So pounceable a past!This tiger-couple wed last night; today is when
they'll consummate, for tigers like it in the light.
The groom finds a room intact. Red blankets hide
the arch. Here he preens, waits for his bride
to sashay in, raise tail at last.Meanwhile, past the blankets, she plans a prank
to show him what she's really like. Inclined to tease
because he seems to expect such ease,
a nice predictable life, as if she'd nest
like some human wife.She flows over a sill into the maze. How long
Until the groom discovers bride is gone?
He'll have to hunt the labyrinth, while she
stalks him. She grins, and whispers to me
"I'll show him what a tiger is!" She rumbles, half
engine, half quake. Not a purr--I'm pretty sure
I've heard a tiger laugh.
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