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Teacher's Name

Dreamed 1977 by Robert Brust

I dreamed that I was back in junior high school (an unhappy time), and had been kept after school as punishment.

I was anxious to get away, and tried to trick the little old lady teacher in charge into letting me slip out early.

After waking, I recognized the teacher as one I'd really had (long ago), whose name I couldn't recall.

That night I attended a meeting of a local art group. Another member mentioned that she'd recently visited her sister, an elderly retired teacher living in a distant state, and they'd talked about me.

Upon hearing the sister's name, I recognized her immediately as the teacher in my dream!

--Robert Brust

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: Feb. 1991; Gloria Reiser, SIG coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor.

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