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Toddler Shot by Spouse

Recurring dream, c.1949, by Gloria Reiser

As per experiencing death in a dream and living to tell about it in reality, long ago I had a repeated dream of that type.

At the time, I was a toddler, but in the dream I was a grown woman with a daughter and husband. He'd shoot me to death--sudden surprise experience. I'd experience the feeling of exiting my dream body through the top of the head, and immediately find myself awake, or awakening, quite shocked, traumatized and upset, in my real body, with the screams of my dream daughter (present at the shooting), still echoing through my mind.

It was really difficult to reorient myself to who I was, where I was. I was treated for night terrors, which didn't seem to make a bit of difference, but I eventually outgrew the dream.

Never forgot it though.

--Gloria Reiser


Dying in a dream is quite possible, as such dreams show. What startles me here is how these dreams anticipate adult life as well as death--and at an age when many developmental theories claim kids live in the present, grasping neither time nor death.

Not all kids!

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 1: April 1991; Gloria Reiser, ed; p.2; untitled, 'Toddler Shot by Spouse' added to aid searches

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