Told in a Dream
Dreamed between 1965 & '71 by Kathleen Raine
'You have a hundred months to live,' I was told in a dream,
The speaker unknown, but the words plain: Waking into this world, my death nearer than I had known. What to the immortal signifies number or months or years? Up and down the light is woven, a golden skein, But how hold the living clue that runs time out of mind? I, standing before the superhuman within, above me,
Little is enough, where of each part there is so great a whole;
SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p.176
True, a deadline can help you finish that work you've been procrastinating... but Kathleen Raine, born in 1908, died in 2003 at age 95! That Authoritative Voice was about 30 years off. Worth remembering, the next time some flaming angel tells you something.
--Chris Wayan
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