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Dreamed July 1990 by Robert Brust

This July, I had a series of odd (exciting but senseless) dreams, at the end of which I found myself wondering (while still asleep and dreaming) what time it was, and whether I'd overslept. Immediately I saw "10:00" in sharp white numerals on a dark background (like a digital clock seen in a dark room).

Immediately after that I woke up (I had overslept, the room was brightly lit, and yet I could hardly see the clock without my glasses)--and my clock read "9:58!" (It could have been a minute or two slow, because we'd had brief power outages. If I have a digital timer in my head, I wish I could apply it while awake!)

--Robert Brust


This is remarkably parallel to JW Dunne's dream Half-Past Four nearly a century earlier, in which his dream-time turns out to be off by just a couple of minutes--and there too the error turns out to reflect a briefly stopped clock--not an electrical failure, but a spring-powered watch that had to be rewound. Plus ça change...

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: Feb. 1991; Gloria Reiser, ed.

LISTS AND LINKS: clocks & time - numbers, math & logic - somatic/subliminal or psychic dreams - devices - power - Dunne's Half-Past Four - more Brust: Critic, Quake, Record, Teacher's Name - more Somnial Times

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