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Dreamed Sept. 1933 by Michel Leiris

By a pool, a row of giant toads the size of chimpanzees, all covered with moss. They would appear to be part gorilla, and their colors range from green to gray to brown. The finest specimen--to the extreme left of the row--is bottle-green with huge eyes like frosted lightbulbs. They are all getting ready to dive into the water and crawl back into their shells (?)

Giant toads; dream by Michel Leiris 1933; sketch by Wayan 2025
It occurs to me that if I dressed up in knickerbockers and wore a large green felt cap, I would look like a toad.


Leiris was a Surrealist, and his dreams show it. Though most of his fellow Surrealists did not share his toad envy.

SOURCE: Nights as Day, Days as Night by Michel Leiris (1961; 1987 translation by Richard Sieburth) p. 8l. Title and digital sketch are mine.

LISTS AND LINKS: Surrealism & Surrealists - weird dream beings - animal people - amphibians - size matters - colorful dreams - fashion - green with envy? - digital dream art - collaborations, mostly not posthumous! - more Michel Leiris

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