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Lighting the Torch

Dreamed & painted June-Sept. 1974 by Peter Birkhäuser

The creative person experiences the divine grace of being allowed to light his small torch at the fire of the Creator.

Birkhäuser once dreamed that he was given this grace.

'Lighting the Torch', 1974 dream painting by Peter Birkhauser.

The animal face in the fire in the form of an eight-petalled flower signifies enlightenment and order in chaos.

SOURCE: Light from the Darkness: the Paintings of Peter Birkhäuser, (1980), p.76-7; commentary by his therapist Marie-Louise von Franz.


The German title Gottesfeuer, Godfire, implies more directly that the dragonlike face in the flames is his conception of God.

LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - fire - dragons - flowers - giving - creativity - artists & the arts - personifications of dreaming - God in general - Jungian dreams - dream paintings - more Peter Birkhauser

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