The Longing to Be Saved
dreamed around 1980 by Maxine Kumin
"The Longing to Be Saved" [is based on] a series of recurrent nightmares while I was housed in a motel in Fayetteville, Arkansas, one February...
When the barn catches fire
I am wearing the wrong negligee. It hangs on me like a gunny sack. I get the horses out, but they wrench free, wheel, dash back and three or four trips are required. Much whinnying and rearing as well. This happens whenever I travel. At the next stopover, the children take off
Finally they come to their senses and leap
until, last of all, it's you
and me in the same gunny sack
"The Longing to be Saved" was originally published in Kumin's The Retrieval System, and also appears (along with a dozen other poems incorporating dreams) in Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief. She won a Pulitzer for Up Country. I think she earned it.
--Chris Wayan--
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