Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Dreamed 2014/10/1 by Chris Wayan
For Jonathan Swift... apparently
I stand uneasy, barefoot on chiseled gray
Rock of a mock flying saucer. No deck, no rail, Just a floating chip off Laputa, or that Magritte oil Of the gothic castle on a monolith adrift. I'm just a passenger. Round me the crew
We skim over rolling prairie silvergreen,
I'm thin as ever, but feel a pregnant pull;
The scarp three kilometers sheer. Ten
Our ponderous rock-lens dreamily slows,
On the turf, as it frays to precipice-edge
"Once I fell off such a cliff. I hit a ledge
"I LIVE here!" he roars. "Don't you DARE
Oh, often the conscious mind means well...
And excellent intentions pave the road to Hell.
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