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The Loch Ness Dance

Dreamed 1987/10/14 by Chris Wayan

I'm chasing a young man on foot. His nickname's Will--short for Willful Conformity.

Will ducks into a dance school, and I follow, bursting in on class after class:

In Room 1, we thread through couples dancing and doing psychodrama. We only knock down a few!

In Room 2, we leap over the contact improv students studying how to lean on each other... Two dancers play the Loch Ness Monster: one wears a dragon-head, the other a dragon-tail; the rest is implied, under the floor. Dream sketch by Wayan; click to enlarge.

In Room 3, a surprise: only two students, one costumed as a sea-serpent's disembodied tail, the other as the head. Together, they play one character: the Loch Ness Monster! They scuttle around the floor, trying to create the impression of a whole water-dragon under the floor by their positions. But the tail-dancer keeps chasing the head too literally, not sinuously enough to imply an unseen serpentine giant. She catches up to the head-dancer, and the teacher growls "No, no, a Serpent, not an Accordion!"

Will and I crassly run between Head and Tail--right through poor old Virtual Ness. I wish I could report I felt a thing. Nope.

In Room 4, students skate... without skates! They run and glide fluidly along the floor... one girl even tries a backward curve to build up speed, as in true skating. I slide through that classroom as if on ice...

As we blundered on through each class, I realize I unconsciously mimicked the dancers, and acquired some of their style. Talk about conformity! I've been mad at Will for conforming so willfully, but really, am I any less of a chameleon? I pick up psychodrama, coupling, improv, being a cold-blooded monster, skating on the thinnest ice of all--imaginary ice.

Room 5 is huge, and nearly empty. Quite empty. Uh-oh. Will is gone! Where's he hidden? Did he melt into some class on the way? No, I clearly saw him run in... What kind of dance class is this, anyway? Empty and still... nowhere to hide.

Zen dance!

I feel lost. Have I met with a dance I lack the Will to conform to?

The dance of no dance at all.


LISTS AND LINKS: dance - skating & skimming - schools - hidden rooms - individualism & conformity - willpower, passivity & initiative - dragons and sea serpents - another dragon act: In a Mermaid's Dressing Room - Buddhism - dreams about dreaming

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