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The Featherholders

Dreamed 2020/5/18 by Wayan

Woman sneaks down a stair with magic blue feathers. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

My friends and I fight a sorcerer and his allies--or minions seduced by spells; we're not sure. Doesn't seem to be much in it for them, making us suspicious.

While some of us distract the enemy with a frontal assault, my best friend slinks up the edges of a long booby-trapped staircase to the Sorceror's apartment. She makes it alive--and searches it. She finds ten blue feathers shed by his most powerful familiar--a great blue eagle.

Those feathers, given to the magicians on our side, strengthen us a lot. With them, we defeat the Sorceror.

But the magical duel has after-effects lasting years. Those who got a blue feather remain magical guardians; they monitor society for similar thaumaturgical trouble.

I'm not one of the ten--instead, I coordinate and dispatch featherholders to check out complaints. I track all the reported magic and magic in town on a chessboardy magical map. Pairs and loners dot the grid--monitors blue, indies of many colors...

Why do featherholders patrol in pairs? Well, it turns out feathers just work best if their owners pair up. Feathers, after all, are used to working together.

In contrast, those of us born with strong magic generally need a lot of privacy and space to develop our own techniques. It turns out magic just varies too much for standardized spells--or tests, or courses, or a school like Hogwarts.

Sigh! Mostly you have to grow your own. And that takes time, thought, experimentation and privacy.

Sigh again! I'd like a partner, but I'm just not the featherholder type. Not because my magic's too weak to master a feather. Because it's innate.


LISTS AND LINKS: wizards & magic - house & home - What to Do in a Wizard's Lair - theft - dream-stairs - birds - raptors - Xanthe's Blue Eagle - cops & policing - I'm a federal Shaman Inspector - cartographic dreams - love - loneliness versus voluntary solitude - presidential dreams - Trump - digital dream art

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