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Watermelon Mine
Dreamed 2023/6/18 by Wayan
I'm a government official recently assigned to a deep mine. I'm given a fragile, waxy key that operates a sore of dumbwaiter bringing the stuff out.
It also unlocks the sole elevator letting miners out--not that they are, for they're high-security political prisoners. Yet they've been well-behaved and are surely due for parole by now--it's hot dark and dangerous down there and they're been producing this vital supply alone--America's only watermelon mine!
I set their little key in the hollow tip of a larger key of mine--makes it easier to turn, and harder to lose.
I make sure we have a big stockpile of refrigerated watermelon slices (it's quarried in inch-thick slabs)... and then I set the minors (oops!) miners free. They don't want to run, just want safe jobs running the machinery from up here in the light until they've finished their sentences. And why not? Most of the machinery can be remote controlled.
I work on the floor, planning reforms. I jot notes on big round Post-Its and a master list of names and traits of maybe a hundred My Little Pony characters (curiously, almost all names are in A-M, just a handful in N-Z). They're vital to my project--gotta figure out which MLP characters to contact--and, oddly, the answer's in their physical traits--size, build, coat, mane and eye colors and style. Listed, but in words; hard to skim. Wish I'd sketched them instead. I'm visual.
After a few days a government agent comes round, wanting to borrow the key back. They don't have a SPARE? Sheesh.
He eyes me on the polka-dotted floor, and says "You've forgotten the mine completely, haven't you?"
"No! My project is working out a fairer, safer way to mine watermelon. But to get it running I have to figure out which ponies to contact."
This strange dialog is set in my big, square office-bedroom up a tower, with views of the whole mine. Noisy due to construction below, and window washers right outside (they look professional, but it's really a startup run by my sister Miriel and her friend). Lines dangle and flick the window, but when I peer out I see no crew on the walls right now. Some new windows got installed on this floor AND the next one down. Ugly but functional.
I persist in my long-term plan. Change takes time--and organization.
- I typed 'minors' for 'miners': Freudian slip! Kids imprisoned?
- Saw an online gallery of AI-generated art today. Quite a few pinups of underage girls, clothed enough to be legal, but still clearly sexualized. I felt ambivalent; aren't AI fakes less bad than porn made using REAL minors?
- An article on student debt had a case where the college was a fraud & the Feds admitted this kid didn't owe a thing, yet another governmental arm refused to listen and garnished her wages for life--a short life, for she couldn't buy healthcare and died of a curable illness. Red-tape execution!
- Government runs mine for vital resource: Biden's infrastructure bill, I think. Lithium or other minerals needed to end fossil fuel dependence.
- Watermelon slices: From a web cartoon by Little Viktoria: on a hot day, a girl brings a plate of watermelon slices to her girlfriend and is startled to find her reading on their bed, nude, legs spread, baring her own sweet red slice. So... is the whole dream about sex?
- Sloppy with government papers: Donald Trump, currently on trial for taking top secret files to read in the john. Or use as toilet paper. Whatever it is he does.
- Floor covered in post-it notes: my own messy desk. Even if they're not stamped TOP SECRET, don't be a Trump!
- Complex, long-range plan: today I illustrated an old dream, Dr. Who & Death; Dr Who acted crazy, to hide long-range plans to defeat Death.
- My Little Pony, physical traits: the show's ponies embody clashing types--logical vs. impulsive, shy vs. brash, artistic vs. businesslike, etc. The AI art didn't include any My Little Ponies, but I saw other furry pinups I liked--they were so openly UNrealistic, proudly declaring they're pure fantasy. Did the dream hint that all-out weird is good, helps you see what you really like & don't, while AI is conformist?
- Weed my notes! Dozens now. Consolidate them.
- DRAW my dreams! Even if I unearth some weird sexual stuff (watermelon), I structure my world visually; text can't jump out like images.
- Even if I look as kinky & chaotic as the Web, have a little faith in my dreams! Unlike AI or politicians, dreams PLAN! For freedom, justice, &... watermelon.
caves, mines & tunnels -
topdogs & underdogs -
food equated with
sex! -
surreal dreams -
puns (minors/miners) -
My Little Pony dreams -
color -
hair, manes, tails - this card-array looks like a
Tarot reading -
politics -
Trump? -
vision & visualization -
mastery versus bumbling -
perseverance - same dreamer, same night:
Grandma Lily - weird cards litter a dream-floor 39 years earlier:
Horta Eggs - I'm a federal
Shaman Inspector -
digital dream art
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