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Dreamed 2024/7/24 by Wayan

In this alternate world, Rome never fell. Gladiators and duels are common. I'm a street kid. I volunteer for a longshot event in my town's arena--I fight a retiarius, an adult gladiator who's allowed his net, though not a blade, they're banned; my weapons are a cup of hot water and a... what? I forget.

I throw the hot water in his face--it'll cool soon, can't be saved up. In the moments he's blind I use my other weapon, but I can't subdue him, and once he recovers, I'm in trouble. A minute later, I'm still alive, but utterly on the defensive--he's so much bigger. Just can't rattle him and re-sieze the initiative. Frustrating.

But not devastating; for by custom, the kids in these duels are assumed to be dead already, by signing up; that's how poor the odds are. And I knew it. But the payoff was big enough to get me a life, and street kids in this cruel society don't last long.

I was already doomed; I had nothing to lose. I'll fight to my last breath.

I'm a boy fighting an adult retiarius in a Roman arena. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

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