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O Maidens in your Savage Season

Dreamed 2024/4/15 by Wayan

'O Maidens in your Savage Season', manga cover by Nao Emoto.


I read the first three volumes of a manga, O Maidens in your Savage Season (Mari Okada, text; Nao Emoto, art). Five teens in a school literature club wrestle with sex.

The shortest student still looks like a kid but is attracted to an old friend; will showing her feelings wreck the friendship? In contrast, the tallest (and busty for her age) has been harassed for years by older men; it's left her wary, lonely, and numb to her own sexual feelings. Too busy evading predators.


My sister Althea & brother-in-law Jonathan are visiting. Walk around Bernal Hill with them. On the wooded side, on the Emerald Steps, a woman says a new couple of owls are nesting.

I beta-read three alternate openings for Althea's fantasy novel. Should it be:

  1. The Welves (wolf-people on a subpolar continent) find old records implying their land's headed for an ice age...
  2. Fox (heiress to a throne) pressured toward a loveless state marriage...
  3. Hummingbird (a half-dragon girl) entering puberty--and with her genes, she'll be stuck in teen angst for decades...
I think the Welf dialect needs a little tweaking, but otherwise all three openings work equally well for me; I see why Althea's had trouble choosing.


Off to Okazu-ya on Taraval Avenue. The street's still torn up for trolley-line construction--how many years now? We park blocks away and walk through the barriers to a Japanese feast... Wow, I crave deepwater fish--mackerel especially.

THAT NIGHT... I'm mobbed by affectionate little catgirl-ninjas. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm trapped in a manga. I meet a coordinated, disciplined team of little girls, none over ten years old. Ninjas? Cat burglars? Literal ones I mean--cat ears, tails.

All I'm sure of is, they're too young to be placed in such risk. But they're precociously competent, and their boss doesn't care. I don't trust him--just another manga cliché Mastermind. But I like them.

Seems to be mutual--they mob me, climb on me, rub against me purring like cats. I get turned on. One girl clings to me. Stroke and scratch her like a cat, though I'm unsure what she'll like. Soon find out: any and all touch. Soon I'm massaging her thighs, then her pussy as she rocks and comes.

Others see that and pile on me, beg to be petted and kissed and licked too. They're too young for penetration, I'm sure it'd hurt them, so I manage to hold back from that. But... non-pen sex play feels so good that I just can't pull away, just can't stop...

And wake embarrassed--but insanely turned on.


Freudian dogma said "Claiming a sex dream really isn't, is just denial". Not always! By the 1970s, Ann Faraday had pointed out explicit sex dreams quite frequently address nonsexual issues. Sex is an easily grasped image or analogy, so why shouldn't dreams use it? As the Red Queen in Through the Looking Glass never remarked, "It's a poor sort of symbol that won't work both ways."

LISTS AND LINKS: book-influenced dreams - comix & manga - crime & criminals - animal people - cats - kids - orgies - pedophilia & furry sex - sex in general - taboos & guilt - food, metabolism, nutrition & health advice in dreams - Meat is Murder! & guilt again - pencil dream art - Ann Faraday - in 1744, Emanuel Swedenborg had a reverse-Freudian dream: Politics Bites

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