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Double Funeral

Dreamed c.1995 by Rick Veitch

Two burned bodies carried in funeral procession; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.


Decades later, it may not be self-evident, but a dream of parading incinerated young bodies in front of Bush senior almost certainly evokes the thousands burned to death in the first Gulf War. It's the most concise critique of that atrocity I've ever seen.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Pocket Universe, 1996, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 9-14), single panel on p. 10. Untitled; I added Double Funeral to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: kids - death - suicide - fire - presidents - war - politics in general - guilt - dream comics - ink - more Rick Veitch - Sierra dreams she's the one to Burn - two more on the first Iraq war: A Knife at his Throat & Kriss

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