Dog Bites Cat
Bush League
Dreamed 2015/2/17 by Chris Wayan
My sister visits convalescent me. "I had a sexy time
at Panthea Con!" It's a fair for polyamorists. Trios, orgies? Wow. While I face mobs of dentists, doctors. Health so fragile I can't date, while she explores the sex frontier! I'm jealous of her wild Music. Improvise harmonies to her songs, down low.
I repaint my sculpture of
Io, Jupiter's wildest moon.
Switch to poetry--polish
The Geyser of Good. And then
A Lanky Man two meters tall. He hands
me a leather Leash. Gutteral, commands "Walk my Mutt to Burlingame." 20 miles! Yet I meekly take this unpaid quest from Bony Guy. Hours, miles later, my Dogs hurt. Sick of the hike,
At last he catches and bites a Cat. Deep cuts--
He whines "I didn't do it!" What? He can TALK?
"That's not blood!" says the Dog. Red drip.
Jeez. What a comrade on this Dismal Trip! Since even a Mistrained Dog understood English, I apologize to the poor Gnawed Cat-- "I'm so sorry. He's a bad, BAD dog.
The Silent Cat limps off. I pray she'll Forgive
him Miles--joints ache. So tired of being Sick!
Chay not Jay. Oh, yeah, that was it:
| Cheney. Well, that explains a Lot. |
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