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Green Dragon Bane

Dreamed c. 2019/5/13 by Tom LogosEinTheos
(tombzdyl at gmail dot com)

I'm in a huge dark stone grotto, and standing in front of me is a giant green brown and black Dragon. I'm not scared of it. It has features like both Eastern and Western dragons. Not sure if it has wings. It walks on two feet like a Wyvern.

It walks over to this huge machine and silently--it never speaks--hands me an egg-shaped green thing. A gift.

I start to wake up, and the thought comes to me that the egg is "dragon bane" like in some role-playing game. Funny thing is, I haven't played one in 15-20 years.

Bizarre dream. So if you or any readers know what a gift from a Dragon might mean, I'd be grateful.

LISTS AND LINKS: caves & the underworld - dream beings - dragons - generosity, gifts & giving - eggs - riddles - more dragon-gifts: Regeana's Dragon & Scales

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