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Dreamed 1901 by J.S.

After I got married (I was then nineteen years old), I dreamt that my wife and I were living on a farm. We had crops planted on this farm, corn, beans, etc.

I was hoeing corn when my wife came over to me.

Suddenly I seemed to see my home and I started to dig graves there. I dug them in such a fashion that one grave cut across the other at right angles.

I didn't know who was going to be buried there.

Everything was ripe at the time.


This [was] a bad dream. By next summer both my wife and child were dead; they died when everything was ripe.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p.285 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews of Ottawa Indians in 1927; unpub. field notes by Paul Radin. J.S. was 45 at the time.

LISTS AND LINKS: marriage - kids - farms - death - predictive dreams - psychic dreams, all types - Native American dreams - more J.S.: Playmates, Longevity Road & My Mother and I

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