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My Glass Heart

Dreamed before 1998 by Carl Linkhart

My glass heart has survived the rocket's blast. I keep
it insulated and separate from this barren planet.
A pink Valentine is melting like yesterday's stale
glamour. We're parading in beautiful illusion.
A cheap green glass star offers fake hope. A movie
projector provides escape, as the masses ascend
a steep, forbidding stairway, past shallow vanity.
We go forth into a false rosy tomorrow.
'My Glass Heart', a dream painting by Carl Linkhart.

SOURCE: Suspense Above the Pool by Carl Linkhart, (Chamberly Publications, 1998; p.90-91)

LISTS AND LINKS: space - other worlds - beauty & ugliness - glass - film - color - masks & disguises - truth & lies - on stage! - more pageants & drag shows: "Cry, Baby", My Drag-Queen Cousine & Cuteness Pageant dream poetry & paintings - more Carl Linkhart

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