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Opera, Gestapo

Dreamed by a Thirty-Year-Old Woman in 1933

I was sitting in a box at the opera, dressed in a new gown, and with my hair beautifully done. It was a huge opera house with many, many tiers, and I was enjoying considerable admiration. They were presenting my favorite opera, The Magic Flute.

When it came to the line 'That is the devil certainly,' a squad of policemen came stomping in and marched directly up to me. A machine had registered the fact that on hearing the word 'devil' I had thought of Hitler.

I imploringly searched the festive crowd for some sign of help, but they all just sat there staring straight ahead, silent and expressionless, not one showing even pity. The old gentleman in an adjoining box looked kind and distinguished, but when I tried to catch his eye, he spat at me...


Many have wondered how the Germans could go along with the Nazis, but this dream is an example showing just how deep and pervasive the fear ran. Each decent person thinking they're somehow both horribly visible and yet alone...

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: The New World of Dreams, Ralph Woods & Herbert Greenhouse, eds., 1974; p.38 (orig. source The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt)

LISTS AND LINKS: nightmares - music & drama - Franken-biotechnology - privacy & snooping - dreams about mind-reading - Hitler & the Nazis - police - outcasts & shunning - fear - but not everyone was paralyzed! See Hell-Bound Train

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