William Blake
RELATED TOPICS: Swedenborg - W.B. Yeats and his visionary friend AE (George Russell) - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ANGEL: by William Blake; early 1790s; a gender-bending dream-poem Blake dreams he's a young queen with an uneasy relationship to her guardian angel... |
BAR BET: by Wayan; 1982/4/30, a dream-quest on not settling for less. On a bar bet, we seek God. We reach the Isles of the Blessed, but they're complacent. We want the wild God, the real God, the Bad Taste God. Onward, pagan questers! Because we want to win our bet. CAUTION: LAZY-ASS ANGELS |
THE DEER'S HOLY LAKE: by Wayan; 1995/5/15, a dream of holy turf. A magic lake where deer glide on water... so I try it. And start to realize I could build such a lake... |
DEVANGELS: by Wayan, 2017/4/27, a numinous but ambivalent dream After a hard day in the recording studio, I dream of powerful yet obedient devil-angels; quiet for now, but I fear they'll decide shamans like me are abominations... CAUTION: ANGELS? GOLEMS? DEVILS? |
DIVINE IMAGE, or, A VISION OF ADONAI: by Anna Kingsford, 1877/7/23, a waking vision Gazing at the moon, Anna finds herself touring the Solar System, meeting all the planetary guardians... CAUTION: MYSTICAL ECSTASY |
FLIGHT: by Denise Levertov; 1945; a dream poem I meet William Blake! He says "The will is given us that we may know the delights of surrender." While in my bedroom... |
LOST ANT: by William Blake; late 1780s; a dream-poem, one of his Songs of Innocence A glowworm and nightwatch beetle help out a lost crying ant-woman. It's not always a bug-eat-bug world... |
MAN TRIUMPH ANT: by Wayan; 1990, a lost typographical picture-poem The image got lost, but the words survived, so here's the poetic saga of an ant that left th' farm... |
THE MAN WHO TAUGHT BLAKE IN HIS DREAMS: by William Blake, 1815-19?; recurrent dreams Blake repeatedly dreamed of an angelic art teacher who suggested both images & techniques. In 1819 Blake sketched his three-eyed tutelary spirit... |
A MAREOTIC QUARREL: by Wayan, 2018/10/10; a dreamlet about truth & experts My friend Lily misuses the word 'Mareotic'; I know, because I once saw it in a Yeats poem, thought the footnote explaining it was fishy, checked it myself, and found the editors hadn't even bothered to... |
MY DREAM NIGHTJOB: by Jack Kerouac, late 1956 or early '57, an outa-the-mouths-of-babes dream. I commute to my dreamjob on a four-story bus; then my baby brother (who I wouldn't let eat any chocolate pudding) utters a new poem by William Blake... |
NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S TREE: by King Nebuchadnezzar II; c. 583 BCE, a predictive dream Nebuchadnezzar dreams a voice from heaven commands a great tree be cut; Daniel interprets this as a prediction the king will go mad for 7 years... |
ROBERT’S PLAN: by William Blake; late 1788; an advisory dream... Blake was broke. Couldn’t typeset Songs of Innocence and Experience. But in a dream, his brother advised him... |
SORB TRUCE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #20 In a desert crawling with aliens who can absorb your mind, I propose a truce, and gain... |
THE TYGER: by William Blake: see ROBERT'S PLAN |
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