Cheryl's a painful topic for me. We were lovers for a year. She warned me up front that she lost or drove off most friends and lovers within a year.
We broke up on schedule.
Perhaps that explains why so many of these dreams are either nightmares or farce. Often, both.
The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
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BURN THE EGGS: by Wayan; 2008/1/20; a magical advisory nightmare with 15 sketches. Fighting an absolutist theocracy, my dragon-soul burns the church's dragon-nursery. The cost is terrible: a black vortex... CAUTION: ROMANTIC THREESOME GETS BURNED |
EIGHT ELFLOCKS: by Wayan; 2007/8/11, an absurd psychic sex dream. I learn weird sex positions from an abused elf, have calligraphic orgasms, and then I, uh, turn on my stereo... CAUTION: SEX, ESP, ANORGASMIA, PAST LIVES, ABUSE ISSUES |
ELLIS CRITIQUE: by Wayan; 2008/12/10, four dreams comically explore Havelock Ellis's dream-theories! Pa warns me to protect my paws. Then gilt wounds my sole. Then a lioness eats a tasty drumstick. Then a bus crashes on our corner--for real! |
EVIL ARCHY: by Wayan; April 2008; a non-dream poem in terze rima Money, power, race and gender stifle my working friends less than hierarchical structures... |
GRAVITREE: by Wayan; 2008/3/21, a character-evaluation dream. Just singing about the antigravitree lightens me. I bound around town. But then I find a diseased antigravitree is holding me down. It's become a gravitree! Gotta clear out that deadwood, no matter how messy, if I want to fly... |
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers. So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see... CAUTION: SEXY SKETCHES FROM THE FUTURE |
MAYAN DOOR: by Wayan; 2008/3/21, a character-evaluation dream. The Mayan cave was a door between worlds. But also a model of the character you need to walk through that door... |
OH, WAIT--: by Wayan; 2008/10/3, a dream poem; Dreamverse #32 I'm a spy tracking down coinlike bombs. Fighting a double agent, I fall in love! So I suggest her gang rob golden-parachute bankers... |
OMELET BEACH: by Wayan; 2007/1/15, a dream on how things look through your third eye An alien beach scene--as seen through eyes that see bodies' energy fields more than surface forms... |
RETARDED STARS, by Wayan, 2009/2/28; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #42 A horde of demented dwarves invades Market Street, jumping up & down, shaking the skyscrapers... |
THE RIFT ZONE: by Wayan; 1987/11/27, a long-term psychic dream. I'm not ambivalent--I'm confused! I live here by the Rift Zone and I don't. I'm single and not. Two lives!... |
A SQUIRRELY BUSINESS PLAN: by Wayan; 2009/3/2, a Looney-Toons dream I'm slow to catch on that this skunk's slidetalk isn't a business pitch; it's about seduction... CAUTION: ABSURD LOVE TRIANGLE, KINKY SKUNK |
STRYCHNINE FORGIVENESS: by Wayan; 2008/3/31, a diagnostic nightmare I meet a woman on an oxcart who's sure we all want to poison her-- but in a way her affliction's made her forgiving, even noble... CAUTION: MADNESS |
TEETH IN HIS THIGH: by Wayan; 2008/10/30, an embarrassing dream-poem: Dreamverse #37 The Conference on Love has two sexy speakers. One says "my teacher's stalking me" but she clings to him. Love? Hate? Both? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM--but what are these two exhibiting? |
VIDEO WOLVES: by Wayan; 2009/2/23, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics), Dreamverse #41 Robot wolves with videocamera eyes prowl our block, freezing me in their headlight glare. Why do I think one's my ex-girlfriend? |
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