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Pearl Ring

Three dreams in 1938 by Ruth M. Bedford of Sydney

I had received disturbing news (not of illness) about the man to whom I was engaged. I dreamed that my engagement ring--a large pearl--fell off, and that I stepped on it and ground the pearl to powder.

The next night I dreamed that I was writing, and that some ink fell on the pearl and stained it.

A third night I dreamed that my ring fell into the sea, and that the salt water dissolved the pearl.

A day or two later I received a cable, telling me of the death of my fiancé.

The symbolism of the crushing of hope, the ink of the cable message, and the salt water of tears, is to me very obvious, and the dreams were in fact also prophetic.

Pearl ring ruined in three different ways. Dream sketch by Wayan.
SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p.281.

LISTS AND LINKS: love & marriage - rings - oops! - ink - tears & grief - death - predictive dreams - ESP in general - more Megroz - Australia: Sydney

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