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The Days When Women Were Being Hurt

Dreamed by Anonymous #40

I thought I was the whole world, and all the green cars in the world were turning left into my vagina which was the Sumner Tunnel.

It was the days when women were being hurt. Everywhere were men who gave their wives to the supermarkets, to buy them back, charred and greased, pound by pound. And we had to walk the floor of the Atlantic, wearing poisonous starfish on our nipples.

I was in the desert, being kissed by Mary, Queen of Scots, who had very big teeth. We were long-lost investment banking friends.

The entire stem of it is just the hambone of a pig.

SOURCE: Dream Scene Magazine, a zine by Dan Holzner, (final issue 1996). Unpaged; c.32 pages in. Holzner's title. Dreamer's name withheld; Anonymous #40 added for World Dream Bank indexing.

LISTS AND LINKS: surreal dreams - gender & bias - cars - giant sex & women sold in markets: McKillip's New Book - sex - underwater - breasts - ouch! - abyss-walking dreams: Centaur by Sartre & The Ocean's Floor - royalty - teeth & bones - more Dream Scene Magazine

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