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Dreamed 1964/3/24 by Robert Brust

In March 1964, I was attending college in Pittsburgh. I was riding a bus between classes, was exhausted, and fell into another semi-asleep state (just alert enough not to miss my stop).

I drifted into a semi-fantasy, semi-dream, in which I imagined that the street had collapsed, and the bus fell into a large hole. No one was hurt badly, but as we climbed out, the scene was one of devastation--with the street, sidewalks, and buildings in various stages of collapse.
I woke, returned to reality, and heard no news until that evening--when I heard about the devastating earthquake in Alaska. Certain scenes shown on TV, and later in magazines, closely resembled that of my dream! I'm not certain of the relative times (which would be hard to reconstruct now--and so don't know if this was more precognition or clairvoyance.


After mailing my letter [submitting the dream to Somnial Times]... I rediscovered long lost notes, and realized that my memories were slightly off... in the case of the bus ride / earthquake daydream, it wasn't the same day but a few days later that the real earthquake happened, and I saw the scene on TV (i.e., it was clearly precognitive--though I have no way of proving that to skeptics).

--Robert Brust

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: Feb. 1991 (afternote from April issue). Gloria Reiser, SIG coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Passage untitled; "Quake" added to aid searches. Date may be off a day; the quake was March 27, 1964.

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