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Hell I Suppose

Dreamed before 1995 by Rick Veitch

I bemoan the state of the world; but my alter ego explains it's cuz we're dead and in hell, as Elvis Costello sings; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.


Uh... do you sense a quiet snicker in the dream? Oh, good, it's not just me, then. -- Chris Wayan

Elvis Costello, atop a demon train, sings 'This is Hell I suppose'; panel of a dream-comic by Rick Veitch.

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Rabid Eye, 1995, King Hell Press, a compilation of his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends, p.102.

LISTS AND LINKS: pessimism - doubles & alter egos - dying - Hell - trains - music - dream humor - dream comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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