Catshall is the pseudonym of a Bay Area artist and poet; many of the pieces below are dream-haiku, though there's one epic dream-studded journal-piece, One Fruit Remains Uneaten. A handful of these aren't by Catshall, but poems and collages done in her salons and workshops and influenced by her style. Catshall also edited the Dreamverse cycle.
RELATED TOPICS: dream haiku - Roswila's dreamku - Dreamverses - dream poetry in general - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
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AIRPLANE WITH BORN: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/8, a dream-haiku on American politics? I dream of an airplane with a born-again pilot. I challenge him: "just because you're rich doesn't mean you can run things"... |
BAREFOOT: by Catshall; c. 2014/12/14, a dream-haiku on the drought I dreamt I walked barefoot on newly fallen snow... |
THE BEST CONVERSATIONALISTS: by Wayan; 1984/8/5, a geeky dream. I'm at an all-geek banquet! We're all shy; we just can't do smalltalk. Then the hostess explains why she chose us... |
BOB THE TREE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/21, a dream-haiku on our marriage I dreamt Bob was a tree-god enthroned in ivy. I said... |
BUT THAT'S BESTIALITY!: by Wayan; 1994/10/29, an alt-world dream. In a world with a dozen intelligent species, dominated by dinosaurs, I get in trouble for publishing a kinky tale of forbidden mammal love... |
CAT WHO TURNED: by Catshall; c. 2014/9/29, a dream-haiku Dreamed of a cat who turned into a man. when you rubbed... |
CHEAPSHIP!: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a nightmare on trained stinginess. Why did I sign on as a crewman on the Cheapship, a freighter that's falling apart? And yes, I do mean that literally... |
DARE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/13, a haiku on an incubated nightmare I challenged my dreams to hit me with their worst. And they did... |
DESERT SLAVERS: by Wayan; 2015/5/29; a grim dream replayed a bit better A gang of slavers catch my family. I flee on a bike but it breaks down. Stranded. Replay! This time I have a gun... CAUTION: GANG, SHOOTING |
DILL: by Wayan; 1988/9/9, a dream-poem about reverse theft I'm a reporter. In the mall, I get my pocket picked repeatedly-- but the thieves keep slipping mysterious stuff in, not out... CAUTION: PUN |
FRISCO GONE: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/23, a nondream haiku on a flooded city old Frisco gone, high-rise condos obscure the view: hives for techie... |
JACKPOT: by Catshall; 2007/5/29. A dream on sex, art and change--a flood of change! How did my bondage dream turn into a slot-machine jackpot? And what kind of change is pouring out?... CAUTION: (CON)SENSUAL BONDAGE |
LOCKED ROOM: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/6, a dream haiku on a classic Jungian dilemma Dreamt of locked room, door-knob fell off in my hand when I... |
NEED AN ADVENTURE? by Catshall, 2022/5/18-25, collage-poem on recurrent dreams For a week the same dream-figures and settings have been recurring: shapeshifters and sea monsters. What are they hiding? Or guarding... |
ODE TO NOT WRITING ODES: by Wayan; 2019/7/17; a nondream non-ode In an Oakland literary salon (no, not an oxymoron) I'm supposed to write an ode. But it's so hot, and I have surreal dreams to sketch... |
OFF DOVER: by Wayan; 2010/9/30, a dream-based mini-sestina (poetic experiment) I'm biking over the English Channel. So mild & easy after the Greenland-to-New-York run... |
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams |
My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife... CAUTION: SEX, BONDAGE |
RESHAPE MY FACE: by Wayan; dreamed 1988/9/21; a dream on the benefits of indulgence |
Lounging in the sun, I do a magical make-over--molding my bones to give myself more room for intuition, judgment, nerve--all the while feeling shallow & indulgent for self-improving!... |
RETIARIUS: by Wayan, 2024/7/24, a gladiatorial dream |
Rome never fell. I'm a poor kid. I sign up for a duel against an adult arena fighter. Poor odds, but I have nothing to lose! Street kids like me die young anyway... CAUTION: BRUTAL SOCIETY (unlike, of course, ours) |
SIX AND A HALF EXPERTS VIEW THE BEAST: by Wayan; 2018/12/11-2019/1/31 |
(a poem answering Wallace Stevens's 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) As the beast in question (and recalling the fable Six Blind Men and the Elephant) I don't mind letting six half-blind humans have their say--as long as I get my own... CAUTION: UNICORNS |
SNOWDRIFTS: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/5, a dream-haiku on the drought |
I dream of snowdrifts too deep to get back home, even though... |
THE STARSHIP CURE: by Wayan, 2024/8/6, a surreal predictive dream |
DREAM: I'm trapped in a museum-questionnaire--each room's a riddle, like: which meal will cure a sick starship? A WEEK LATER: I'm stuck in jury duty, filling out a questionnaire bringing back sickening memories of abuse... |
STEPMOTHER: by Catshall; c. 2014/9/24, a dream-haiku about revenants |
I dreamed my stepmother moved in with my dead grandparents... |
THE VERIZON EXPERIMENT: by Wayan; 2014/3/31, three linked dreamlets, the last self-flagging as predictive |
1: A nature spirit's physics experiment proves that time forks. But how much? How dense is the multiverse? 2: I sculpt a model of this multiverse. A physicist likes it; the nature spirit likes it more. So she swipes it... 3: A 'friend' offers refugees my bedroom, crowding me and my work into a corner. I wake. The phone rings... |
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