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The Qilin's Foot

Dreamed c.500 BCE by Confucius

...Confucius had a dream in which he saw a little boy beating a Qilin with a willow branch. The boy injured the precious animal's left foot, so Confucius, in an effort to treat the injury, covered the foot with grass and wood chips.

The Qilin spat out three books to Confucius, who studied them with great diligence.


I've always been critical of Confucius for his obsession with rank, rules, and male supremacy. Stuffy!

But I relented a little on reading this. He was kind, at least to unicorns.

Wish we had the details, though. What was in those three books?

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: The Interpretation of Dreams in Chinese Culture by Fang Jing Pei and Zhang Juwen (2000) p.121. Primary source: the Xiao Jing.

LISTS AND LINKS: kids - violence - unicorns - legs & feet - helping & giving - books in dreams - China, ancient - 2500 years later, a dream of a unicorn with a hurt leg: Ariel

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