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Color of a Bruise

Dreamed 1976 or before by Virginia Brady Young

Half awake, I twitch
in other half of sleep.
In the dream I am sunrise
on a yellow bed,
a knife for slitting
in my hand.
I stab and stab.
The room rains
yellow feathers.
Everything is yellow
the teeth in my head.
growing out of my scalp.
all of them
all of them

a dentist appears,
his yellow heart thumping.
He carries a yellow drill.
I scream, "No! It's time
to shop for lemons."
In the Supermarket
the teeth in my head
grow wild as tusk.
The dentist impales himself.
Pain flows into yellow,
yellow blends with blue.

I am the bruise of myself.

SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly, v.1 #2 (summer 1980), p.117. First publication in Cape Rock Journal (1976)

LISTS AND LINKS: knives - beds - anger & violence - teeth - color - nightmares - Wayan faces a Mafia Dentist - dream poems - more from Dreamworks

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