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A Dream of Roses

Dreamed between 1965 & '71 by Kathleen Raine

So many roses in the garden
Of last night's dream, and all were golden--
Ophelia's flowers of love forsaken,
Yellow rose of luckless loving
Or the golden flower of wisdom?

There, in a night of late November
Fantasy had grown so many
In a garden I had planted
(So the dream told me) long before.
Yet I searched among the gold
For even one of true rose colour,
And found none; dream cannot lie,
None I found of love's true flower.

SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p.173-4

LISTS AND LINKS: flowers - colors - symbols - love - loneliness - relationship advice in dreams - dream poems - more Kathleen Raine

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