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Elephant Upside Down

Dreamed c.2001 by Xanthe
transcribed & illustrated 2024 by Wayan

High school. Khaki. Fit, so he must

be a soldier. A captain we trust.

The right-wing Christian fundies,

(terrorists terrorized) flee in their undies

through rooms antique. Older and older.

Indoor savanna. Boulders! A sentinel on

one tor: a leopard. More. Long stare.

The elephant knew the way out, but got

stuck upside down. Pillarlegs flail.

We must befriend and right her to clear

the only known spiral stair to escape

this dreamwrong underscape jail.

Upside-down elephant. Dream by Xanthe, sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


This comic nightmare-poem has an odd genesis. I'm going through a drawer full of disorganized notes and books used in building the World Dream Bank. I just tossed stuff in for years. Now I'm finding a lot of unfinished business in there. This was a tiny paper slip with pencil notes transcribing a shamanic dream by Xanthe--told to me over the phone I think. Undated, and so faint and telegraphic I can't be sure of much except my translation into a poem is likely not too accurate. But the core image was clear. And unique. Not even Dalí...

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: warriors & their codes - religion - Christians - fanatics - hunter & hunted - strange & secret rooms - big cats - elephants - jails, cages, stuckness - the underworld - more Xanthe - dream poetry - collaborative dream art - a stallion rears upside down: Silky, Inverted - a girl crawls the ceiling: Lolligagging

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