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1998/3/30, acrylic on canvas, 20 x 30", by Chris Wayan

I was in an art class and the teacher suggested starting with a prepared ground that was a strong color. Well, I had a tube of magenta that was REALLY strong. Eye-searing. So I painted the canvas 100% screaming pink.

On top of it, I just had fun with color and texture. Splotched and dripped until bit by bit the UNPAINTED bits turned into these birds. More like herons than flamingoes, really, but with that pink showing through...

semi-abstract, higly textured acrylic painting of two pink heron-necked birds, with a third peering from reeds.
There's a third shy bird hiding in the lower right, peering out at you, that most people don't see. That bird is me.

LISTS AND LINKS: painting - art experiments - color - flamingos, herons and other birds - shyness

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