Dreamed early 2000s?, illustrated summer 2013, by Lindsay Vanhove
Years ago I woke up from a false awakening in which I saw a big black bird sitting in my room. I woke up with a fever, thinking about the Celtic Goddess Morrighan, who's known to have a pet crow with her.
Some time later, when I walked in a specific street, I would always have these visions of me raising a bird. Another time I was at my dad's place and took a picture of a jackdaw family sitting in a tree. Again, I had to think of the Morrighan and included this in the comments of my online shared photograph.
May 2012. I go home and walk in that particular street where I had these visions. I see a baby jackdaw (these European birds belongs to the crow family) on the road which, I guess, just had a car accident. I try to grab her and her whole jackdaw family is flying above me, readying to attack. But they don't. I take her home and raise her. Her wing and tail were broken so the first weeks I had to keep her inside. When things got better, I gave her flying lessons and step by step she healed and became a very gorgeous bird.
I would have never guessed that, after all those years, the false awakening would become a precognitive dream... after all, I finally had a big black bird sitting in my bedroom. (When she was just a little chick, she would sleep on my lap when I was in my room)
SOURCE: the International Association for the Study of Dreams (asdream.org) Psiber Art Gallery archive for 2013.
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