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Mansion of the Dead

Dreamed between 1975, 6 or 7 by Kathleen Raine

How did I come, last night,
To that great mansion of the dead,
Night-house whose empty rooms were dense with fear?
Why did I dread their presences, who had been dear,
My heart throb with terror
Lest I see faces not human
That once shone on me with familiar love?


I renamed this from Raine's generic title Dream. She named at least three poems that! And she's not alone; every poet (or prose writer, or painter for that matter) seems to do this--not Cows in Space or Doorknob Orgasm or whatever the dream was--no, they record the mere fact they remembered a dream at all. Handy for those of us searching the undream world for dreams, but here on a site devoted to dreams...

SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p. 219

LISTS AND LINKS: nightmares - house & home - transformations - ghosts & the dead - dream poems - more Kathleen Raine

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