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November Dream

Dreamed between 1974 & '77 by Kathleen Raine

I wake to sycamore's yellowing leaves against the grey
Of cloud and London brick,
Day's solid walls and faintly luminous sky;
And still I almost see, in mind's eye,
Last night's woodland way
I followed under boughs of gold
Bathed in another light than these
That stand outside my window's narrow space.

No separation set me there, as here, apart
From dream's afresh-created sky and trees.
In that remembered country I was there indeed
While here, in body locked away,
Touch solid wood, wet leaves, earth-coloured flowers
And all is other that I feel and see;
Yet this world we call real, that has no place.

SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p. 220-221

LISTS AND LINKS: seasonal dreams - London - sadness & melancholy - abiku, the longing for the spirit world - forests - Paradise - dream poems - more Kathleen Raine - a kindred dream poem: Black Solstice

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