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Oh La La, What a Strange Dream!

Dreamed & © 1989 by Julie Doucet.
see more of Julie's work at

Black and white comic of a dream by Julie Doucet. Julie prepares for a three-year solo spaceflight.
Black and white comic of a dream by Julie Doucet. Her mom shows up at the launching pad
Black and white comic of a dream by Julie Doucet. Her mom gives her a farewell present for her spaceflight: masturbation cookies.
Black and white comic of a dream by Julie Doucet. Deep in space Julie opens her mom's parting gift.
Black and white comic of a dream by Julie Doucet. Alone in space Julie tries her mom's masturbation cookies. They're scrumptious at both ends.


This is from Julie Doucet's collection of dream-comics, My Most Secret Desire. Dark, dense, and intense, her dreams are full of sex (and sex changes), birth, cats, crazy guys, nightmares, recurring dreams, even a bit of lucidity. One of very few cartoonists to have published a whole book of dream-comix, and one of VERY few women to manage it. Strongly recommended for dreamaholics. Though I wouldn't trust her mom's sex advice. Cookies crumble.

LISTS AND LINKS: deep space - loners and solitude - moms - gifts and giving - food - masturbation - sex dreams in general - dream humor - blush! - comix - ink art - more Julie Doucet

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