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Samuel Savage

Dreamed late 1770 by Samuel Savage

Two years ago, a gentleman of large fortune in Kent, dreamed that he was walking through the churchyard, and saw a new monument with thc following inscription:

Here Lies the Body

who departed this Life on September --, 1772;
aged --.

He told his friends in the morning, and was much affected; but the impression soon wore off.

But on that day he did depart, and a stone was erected with that very inscription.

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p. 242-3. His source: John Wesley's journal, 1772/11/17.

LISTS AND LINKS: calendrical dreams - death - predictive dreams - ESP in general - more from John Wesley: Don't Go to Market, Listen to your Wife, Samuel Savage, I shall Hurt you Worse - Eye-Savior & The Key to his Life - more Megroz

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