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Selfish for Leaving?

Dreamed 1988/7/12 by Wayan

Night, indoors. Two figures scold a third between them. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I dream I'm at a party my parents are hosting. They 'explain' to me (if you call it explaining) "You're embarrassing us by acting so selfish!"

Selfish? I asked to eat off a CLEAN dish--not the dirty one I was handed. But they're not done...

"And after your sister Althea drove all this way here when sick, just for your sake".

Yeah, while she was sick--and possibly contagious. And that teacher friend of theirs (Ron or Lee) also has some disease. What exactly? I asked but they wouldn't say! Is THAT contagious?

I think demanding basic sanitation isn't selfish but sensible.

So I try to leave early--and as I pack up to go, they start calling that selfish...


I'm stumped. Haven't seen my parents or Althea or Ron or Lee for a long time, wasn't thinking of them. Was it a metaphor? But I don't recall any time today I let others nag me into endangering my health...


My other sister, Miriel, calls. "I think I have to cancel our movie date. I got no sleep--I'm wrung out." Why? Well...

While I dreamed my dream, she went to a party hosted by my parents; Lee showed up, and our sister Althea, and a bunch of Althea's inlaws from Texas... and they bullied Miriel just as in my dream: as she slowly wilted, they nagged her to stay, said going home to sleep was "selfish."


  1. Face that our family dismisses basic self-care, calls it "selfish". Ignore those liars!
  2. Face that science dismisses ESP, calls it "superstition". Ignore those liars! Too.

LISTS AND LINKS: parties & socializing - illness - family values - nagging - top- & underdogs - blindness & denial - assertion & self-defense - Miriel - predictive dreams - ESP in general

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