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Skunk Seeks Thailand

Dreamed by Jim Shaw, c.1994.

I was working at night at a cottage version of Dreamquest. Dow had a curved office building nearby, D.Q. wanted me to work in the main house. I told them to set up a video camera to see if I was working hard.

I was going to the main house when I encountered a six-foot skunk who complained about Dow controlling the weather & worried that rain might kill it & it wanted to walk to nearby Thailand. The skunk had a mostly white child that was running around playing with a possum & I was worried some spray might get on my pants. I said it should call Bangkok to see what the weather was & get a ride there, perhaps it could stay in the nearby geodesic dome.

Meeting a giant skunk and its child, who asks advice about walking to Thailand. Dream sketch by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95, probably 1994.


I posted this dreamlet partly because its quiet nocturnal furry shamanism is uncannily like my own dreams--yet most of Shaw's dreams are full of media, celebs and art-biz issues, like Letterman, dreamt the same night!

--Chris Wayan

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