Another War
Dreamed 1934/6/29, by Michel Leiris
Michel Leiris by Man Ray, 1930 |
[I'm walking on the] Boulevard de Grenelle beneath the elevated tracks.
I hear a worker talking about the l9l4-18 war: "A company wiped out by a storm... Whenever the subject came up--Oh, those poor old guys! It sure wasn't no storm..."
A pause.
Then: "As long as they're not about to start another war."
They were, of course. Hitler already ruled Germany; Japan occupied northern China. Both expanded until war was unavoidable.
Six years after this dream, the Nazis rolled into Paris.
SOURCE: Nights as Day, Days as Night by Michel Leiris (1961; 1987 translation by Richard Sieburth) p.101; date from previous dream p.99. Original passage untitled.
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