Five hypnogogic dreams by Forrest Bess, 1946, '47, '57, '67, and '70.
Forrest Bess (1911-1977) was a strange, rather tormented figure--a gay man in a conservative small town in Texas who felt he didn't fit either the gay or straight world--he saw himself as a hermaphrodite (and cut himself to make his body fit his spirit).
His work is simple and self-taught but not quite folk art; he was well-read in mythology and collected (or developed) an alphabet of private glyphs with both mystical and sexual meanings. Many of his paintings use these, others are purely abstract, but a lot are hypnogogic dreams--the images he saw falling asleep, half asleep or waking up. Hypnogogy often has a feel of rushing forward, being deluged in images; note how despite their minimalism most of these have a sense of depth; they're not decorations on a flat picture-plane but depict space and imply motion.
The Crowded Mind / The Void, by Forrest Bess, 1946 |
The Premonition, by Forrest Bess, 1947 |
Untitled, by Forrest Bess, 1957 |
Complete Freedom by Forrest Bess, 1970 |
'Drawings' by Forrest Bess, 1967
His work isn't my thing at all, but one small painting like these on Antiques Roadshow was valued at $100,000 or so. Somebody out there likes him.
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Forrest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible by Claire Elliot, 2013, pp.29, 32, 58, 68-9, 86. Plus Antiques Roadshow...
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