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Burrowcats on a Higher Plane

Dreamed 1991/10/25 by Wayan

I visit a world where the people are social cats living in burrows like prairie dog towns. And burrowcat towns are high tech! They seem magical to me; invisible to humans generally. But not to each other, or even to animals on their plane. It's just above us. Literally so; their alternate world's surface is about 3 meters (10') above our ground level. So they feel they're above humans, too--a higher plane of being, a subtly better world.

I and a few other natives of Earth--not all necessarily human, they're not the only intelligent species here!--can cross the dimensional border, do the funny sideways twist that puts you in both worlds at once. Then we're separated only by that physical gap of a few yards--their higher plane--and that's just a matter of walking upstairs.

Of course, then the burrowcats have a near-blind human stumbling through their warren--right through their walls. I see and hear them only faintly; only feel them if I inadvertently kick or step on one!

A human room and a burrowcat warren, superimposed. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

To mitigate this otherworldly annoyance--a human infestation--one of the burrowcats reluctantly teaches me and a friend a few words of their mindspeech. Hard but we do learn a few phrases--a friend from our plane tried before us, and found humans CAN learn enough to change the opinion of the burrowers about humans. Which would help--their current law is "no open contact with humans." Often bent in individual cases, but still supported as policy.

Start to think if I practice enough I may learn to see these people clearly--adjust to their world's level.

At one point, an Earth tourist says about a burrowcat "He lives in a real hole!" Meaning a crappy living space. But the speaker hesitates on the last word, realizing as she says it that everyone here lives in a hole! Hole Sweet Hole, as the welcome mat says...

On this higher plane, that insult just falls flat.


LISTS AND LINKS: There Are Doors - other worlds - climbing - caves - dream beings - animal people - cats - sexy creatures - dance - outsiders - autism - shyness - shamanic dreams - pencil - Hole Sweet Hole again: Ermine - higher planes physicalized: Door through Death, Higher Level, Bear, Read, Dune, Vertical Planes

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