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Draconian Vacation

Dreamed 2019/4/16 by Wayan
For Jo Walton; I just reread You-Know-What

For my vacation I take a train trip up the east coast of... not America. Everyone's so big. With four legs. And a spiky tail. And wings. And scales. They're dragons! Draconia, I guess we'll have to call it.

At every train station I stop and explore town till I've had one interesting encounter with a local dragon. Draw a portrait and write notes.

Plan to post these impromptu 'interviews' online--text and sketches.

I notice that some female dragons attract me--so graceful!--despite our wide evolutionary difference.

Tea with a dragon by a train station in Draconia. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
NOTES IN THE MORNING Oh--I know the sketch looks like pure digital but it started as pencil. Here's what I scribbled when I woke up (on scratch paper--back of a printout of another dream, bleeding through.)
Tea with a dragon by a train station in Draconia. Initial pencil sketch of dream by Wayan.

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