The House Cat Detective
Dreamed 2024/9/14 by Wayan
For Fleur de Palette, Smiley7pixel,
and the late Peter Birkhauser
Picture based on an AI-prompted image by Smiley7pixel at Deviantart |
I find myself crawling on the floor of a lapidary shop. Semiprecious stones are scattered all over. If I pick them all up, I can keep them.
As I collect the gems, I get distracted by a set of mystery books on the lowest shelf of a book cabinet. The sleuth in the series is... a housecat?
Book One shows her on the cover--not a pet, but a sexy catgirl, drawn with a large cartoon head with cat-ears, big feline Betty Boop eyes, a feline button nose, and a more human mouth. She walks upright and has human hands, but fur and a long tail, too.
She wears a mustard minidress, striking against the blue couch where she lounges. A very Sixties dress (she likes Mod styles). And very short. Very very short. Showing her, um... pussy.
Other book covers in the series feature different poses and outfits--several sub-series with related images (one set lacks her, shows a cat committee, all grumpy old tomcat heads, namecards and microphones)--but most books have her front & center--stylish, colorful, and always accidentally-on-purpose flashing us.
I half-wake. Struggle to recall the title of her first book--four words, that may have just been The House Cat Detective.
As I wake fully and reach for my dream-notebook, I think "She's really cute. I'd like to meet the real her... the model for that distorted cartoon.
But would she turn out to be a genuine catgirl? Or in the waking world would she just be an ordinary girl--or an ordinary cat?"
I did as the dream prompted--I painted atop a similar AI image prompted by Smiley7pixel at Deviantart (I think it's #6596)... changing orientation, proportions, colors and details till it looked something like my dream. Authorship gets confusing with digital work like this; how much came from the dream, how much from my waking mind, how much from Smiley7pixel's original prompt, how much from the AI--and how much did the AI steal from non-AI digital artists like me in the first place?
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