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In Praise Of Dreams

Dreamed c. 1992 by Wislawa Szymborska

In my dreams
I paint like Vermeer van Delft.

I speak fluent Greek
and not just with the living.

I drive a car
that does what I want it to.

I am gifted
and write mighty epics.

I hear voices
as clearly as any venerable saint.

My brilliance as a pianist
would stun you.

I fly the way we ought to, i.e.,
on my own.

Falling from the roof,
I tumble gently to the grass.

I've got no problem
breathing under water.

I can't complain:
I've been able to locate Atlantis.

It's gratifying that I can always
wake up before dying.

As soon as war breaks out,
I roll over on my other side.

I'm a child of my age,
but I don't have to be.

A few years ago
I saw two suns.

And the night before last a penguin,
clear as day.

SOURCE: View in a Grain of Sand © 1993 by Wislawa Szymborska, translated 1995 by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh.

LISTS AND LINKS: dream poetry - dream humor - dreamwork in general - Patagia's parallel paean: For World Dream Bankers - Colette's similar prose-poem: Flights and Cats

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