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Journey IX

Dreamed before 1970 by Gary Snyder

We were following a long river into the mountains.
Finally we rounded a ridge and could see deeper in--
the farther peaks stony and barren, a few alpine
Ko-san and I stood on a point by a cliff, over a
rock-walled canyon. Ko said, "Now we have come to
where we die." I asked him, what's that up there,
then--meaning the further mountains.
"That's the world after death." I thought it looked
just like the land we'd been travelling, and couldn't
see why we should have to die.
Ko grabbed me and pulled me over the cliff--
both of us falling. I hit and I was dead. I saw
my body for a while, then it was gone. Ko was
there too. We were at the bottom of the gorge.
We started drifting up the canyon, "This is the
way to the back country."

SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.1, no.2, summer 1980) p.163; reprinted from prose-poem series Journeys, in Four Seasons (1970))

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