Journey IX
Dreamed before 1970 by Gary Snyder
We were following a long river into the mountains.
Finally we rounded a ridge and could see deeper in-- the farther peaks stony and barren, a few alpine trees. Ko-san and I stood on a point by a cliff, over a rock-walled canyon. Ko said, "Now we have come to where we die." I asked him, what's that up there, then--meaning the further mountains. "That's the world after death." I thought it looked just like the land we'd been travelling, and couldn't see why we should have to die. Ko grabbed me and pulled me over the cliff-- both of us falling. I hit and I was dead. I saw my body for a while, then it was gone. Ko was there too. We were at the bottom of the gorge. We started drifting up the canyon, "This is the way to the back country." |
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.1, no.2, summer 1980) p.163; reprinted from prose-poem series Journeys, in Four Seasons (1970))
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