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Longevity Road

Dreamed c.1898? by J.S.

I dreamt that I saw a road, first going down the hill and then going up. The ground on top of the hill was level and from the top of it one could see another hill in the distance. In the centre of the road I saw a rope.

I walked along the road until I came up to the rope, and I saw that it was all knotted up. Along the road I also saw a number of boxes.

As I stood on top of the hill, I saw many of these boxes, many knotted-up ropes and a number of other things.

After I had ascended the first hill and got to the top I looked behind me and I saw my wife coming with a little boy. She was just coming down one hill as I came to the top of the other.

I waited for her at the top of the hill but she never came. The road as it wound up and down the various hills took on a bluish look in the distance.


An old man told me that this dream was my life. I dreamt this before I had married. This old man told me, "One of these days you are going to be married and you will lose both your wife and your child. The knotted-up rope means sickness. When you come to the box that will mean that you have a good job and that you own property. The hills mean that you will live many years and the blue means long life. You are going to live to be an old man. Whenever you are sick you must think of this dream and it will help you."

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p 288-9 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews of Ottawa Indians in 1927; unpub. field notes by Paul Radin. Dream date: J.S. married at about 18, c.1900.

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