Dreamed April 1978 by Denise Levertov
Dream oracles or messengers, as in Animal Transfiguration, Buffalo Person, Eat the World, The Irrationality of Dreams or Joyous Ride are memorable (and probably meant to be); even absurd figures have power, as in The Circus Humans' Desertion or Kolchec. But what's really unnerving is to find yourself working as such a guide or messenger, as here, or in Kick the Faerie Bell, Newt Wedding, and The Ambassador Pro Tem of Dreams. Messenger isn't Levertov's only dream of being such a guide for others: see Uncertain Oneiromancy.
SOURCE: Life In the Forest, Denise Levertov, New Directions Press, 1978, p.132-33. Passage is untitled fourth section of "Metamorphic Journal, Part III: April". "Messenger" added to aid searches.
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